GOP Pageant in Mesa Attracts Billionaires

Posted on | February 25, 2012 | Comments

Four courageous Billionaires braved the 70 degree weather and the throngs of filthy middle-class folks on Wednesday evening to remind everyone who the GOP contestants truly belong to. The Billionaires paraded around with signs that read “Invest In America: Buy a President”, “We Luv Newt: Take Us to Our Moon Mansions” and “Don’t Tread On My Corporate Tax Loopholes”.

All the while looking fabulous, they filled the air with their informative chants. “We Are the 1%! Vote Romney for President!”, declared David H. Koch-Hoare. And Paree Hiltonian exclaimed, “Hey, hey! Ho, ho…Keep the profits with the CEOs!”

Just before the GOP pageant began, the Billionaires even took some time to roll out their own red carpet and show the crowds just how special they are. A grand time was had by all.

When asked by reporters after the contest was over, who they thought had won, both Dr Dinero and Mo Fracking Monet both put down their martini glasses, held up a hand full of cash and answered “We won. We always win.”

See all pics here.



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